May Programming

In April, we kicked off our training with a fresh look post- 2023 CF Open! Whether or not you used CF Open as a benchmark to measure your performance, in many ways this was the beginning of a new training cycle. We completed five weeks of tempo work to give our bodies some time to recover from the intensity of the first 3 months of the year. On top of the tempo work, we started our 9-week strict gymnastics cycle to either build capacity or possibly get our first few strict reps with the Pull-up/Push-Up/Handstand Push-Up/Muscle-Up! Our aerobic capacity work focused on the 15:00-20:00 time domain with a nice sprinkle of longer and shorter workouts week to week. Although we say goodbye to April, we will continue to build our aerobic conditioning and strength in the next month.

May kicks off our 5-3-1 Wendler Cycle starting with a test of our Back Squat/Deadlift/Push Press. We will then take those numbers and plug them into Wendler and look to make some progress in 6 short weeks! In our gymnastics, we will continue to develop our high-skill pulling and pushing movements while also layering in accessory work to help improve our strength and stability.

In addition, May will see some extra credit in the Pull-up/Push-Up/Squat/Run prep for the upcoming Hero WOD MURPH this Memorial Day – May 29, 2023. These will be extra credit pieces meant to be completed outside of class on any schedule that makes sense for you! They are not in any way mandatory, but will definitely give everyone that completes them a competitive edge. Looking forward to great training this month!

3-2-1 GO!

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